1979 - Tanzania: crossing the Massaï Steppe and trip to the Selous Game Reserve
on this link to see pictures of those two EXCITING trips!
2005 - Democratic Republic of Congo: Working for the ICRC. Except for radio communication equipment, the ICRC’s Land Cruisers are « stock » tropical versions (with raised air-intake and long-range double fuel tanks).
2007 - Chad: Working for the ICRC. When we drive through conflict areas, our only “armor” is
the ICRC flag!
Both sides to the conflict (government and rebels) are informed
of our trips. A minimum of two cars and four people travel in convoy. Every
half an hour, UHF radio or satellite phone contacts are made with HQ to
communicate our latest position.
March 2008 - Trip to Libya (Fezzan) with my Land Cruiser
Click on this link to see more details of this
in my other blog “Voyages
& Aventures”.
April 2012 - Trip to Tunisia (to lake Er-Reched) with my Land Rover celebrating being 35 year old!

in my other blog “Voyages & Aventures”.
November 2015 - Trip to Death Valley National Park in a rented Jeep
in my other blog “Voyages & Aventures”.