In May 1991, with friends, we shall take a trip on the river Nyabarongo, starting at Kigali (Ruliba) and going all the way to the bridge on the road towards Nyamata. As the Rwandan civil war had started (1 Ocotber 1990), we had to obtain special clearance from the army to navigate this portion of the river. Even then, an helicopter flew over us and stopped us to check our permits.

The Akanyaru river (Left) joins the Nyabarongo river (Right)
My first boat was a Hobie Cat 16".
Bought while a student in the States, then shipped it to Rwanda.
My last boat was a MacGregor 26".
An amazing power sailer! The whole family enjoyed it very much.
As it was easy to move on it's trailer, we used on many lakes of Switzerland, France and even took it to Croatia!